Call (508) 754-5226

If you have a non-urgent question or concern, you can use the form below to email the doctor directly.

If this is a dental emergency, please call (508) 754-5226 or dial 911.

Call Today (508) 754-5226

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Chandler Dental PC

Dr. Sir Hao Foo, D.D.S, MS (Prosthodontist)

Dr. Valerie David, DDS, MS (Orthodontist)

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Chandler Dental PC
372 Chandler St
Worcester, MA 01602
General Info: (508) 754-5226
Chandler Dental PC Office Hours
  Morning Afternoon/Evening
Mon. Call Call
Tue. 8:30am - 12pm 12pm - 4:00pm
Wed. 9:00am - 12pm 12pm - 5:30pm
Thu. 8:30am - 12pm 12pm - 5:30pm
Fri. 9:00am - 12pm 12pm - 5:00pm
Sat. 8:30am - 12pm 12pm - 4:30pm
Sun. Closed Closed

Call Today (508) 754-5226

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